HINAI EHR offers the necessary technological capability, functionality and security to help meet Meaningful Use objectives and measures while focusing on delivering higher quality patient care and exchange clinical information securely with fewer clicks and in much less time. It helps to improve patient care through better clinical decision support, care coordination and patient engagement.
Key Benefits
▫Send e-Prescriptions with a click of a button
▫Communicate with patients and other providers through secure direct messaging
▫Configure notifications to assist in meeting meaningful use
▫Generate reports on clinical quality measures and population health in no time
HINAI EHR is designed to display a succinct overview of a patient that can be absorbed at a glance. This is achieved by separating the data from the presentation of data. The application supports rich interactions with multiple components on one page through standardization in content and structure in order to be compatible for health information exchange (HIE).
The idea is to help physicians do what they want to do, quickly, intuitively and to serve minimum number of clicks.
The application provides a comprehensive view of medical record with effortless clinical charting and specialty specific protocols. HINAI EHR is certified for all Eligible Professional certification criteria including; Clinical, Care Coordination, Clinical Quality Measures, Privacy and Security, Patient Engagement, Public Health and Utilization.
Quick order entry, clinical data sharing, clinical decision support services, notification center, provision to link with external pharmacies and access to standard resource repository for patient education makes HINAI EHR powerful, convenient and easy to use.
HINAI EHR has an extremely configurable user interface which can be tailored to your prefered taste and convenience. From arranging the widgets and defining the layout to selecting a color theme, all the aspects of personalization endorse ease rather than simplicity.
The decision support alerts are configurable and can be defined to alert a consultant when specific information is recorded in the patient chart. Information from demographic data, vital parameters, problem list, allergies, medications and laboratory results can be used individually or in a combination to prompt these alerts paving a path towards evidence based medicine.

“HINAI Web EHR provides an effective, efficient and satisfying experience. In general, the users in the study were able to successfully complete a majority of the assigned tasks with little or no difficulty and expressed a high level of satisfaction with the system.”